Lettera ad un padre morto

by Soraya D'Apuzzo
Original - Not For Sale
Not Specified
3630.000 x 4690.000 pixels
This piece is not for sale. Please feel free to contact the artist directly regarding this or other pieces.
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Lettera ad un padre morto
Soraya D'Apuzzo
Photograph - Photography
The photographic work depicts the epistles that women (wives and mothers) used to send each other in battle with their husbands during the war. The content of the letters often recounted the daily life and growth of young children or, they were letters of regret for the loss of a dead wife and father of a family. The expressed symbolism also immortalizes the atmosphere of simple and warm naturalness typical of the time.
This Artwork is an Original Fine Art Photography and is protected by Copyright. All Rights Reserved.
©Soraya D'Apuzzo
**On this Artwork various types of Licenses are offered, for all commercial needs.
To Purchase a Legal License, access the following link:
April 27th, 2021
Comments (58)

Toni Abdnour
Excellent composition, Soraya!
Soraya D'Apuzzo replied:
Really thanks so much, Toni. I'm very honored and happy that you have appreciated it!

Angela Davies
Beautiful and intriguing still life LF
Soraya D'Apuzzo replied:
Really thanks so much, Angela. I'm very honored and happy that you have appreciated it!

Dr Debra Stewart
Stunning still life and artistry!!! Love the soft glow of the candle!
Soraya D'Apuzzo replied:
Really thanks, Dott.ssa Debra. I'm very honored and happy that you have appreciated it!

Sharon Williams Eng
Wonderfully conceived and executed.
Soraya D'Apuzzo replied:
Really thanks so much, Sharon. I'm honored and happy that you have appreciated it!

Harry Beugelink
Beautiful artwork. Very touching story
Soraya D'Apuzzo replied:
Really thanks so much, Harry. I'm very honored and happy that you have appreciated it!

Shoal Hollingsworth
This is amazing I love it
Soraya D'Apuzzo replied:
Really thanks so much, Shoal. I'm very honored and happy that you have appreciated it!

Stuart Litoff
Soraya D'Apuzzo replied:
Reall thanks so much, Stuart. I'm very honored and happy for your appreciation!

Tracy Munson
Great image!
Soraya D'Apuzzo replied:
Very thanks, Tracy. I'm very happy and honored that you have appreciated it!

Barbie Corbett-Newmin
Congratulations, your emotive and artistic still life is featured on the home page of The 200 Club - best photos with over 200 and under 500 views! Featured images are changed often. So to remain visible for potential buyers who visit the group, please post your featured images in the discussion thread Feature Archives 2021.
Soraya D'Apuzzo replied:
Million thanks, Barbie for the feature in the homepage in this magnific group. Thanks for your support, too.