The Civil Pride

by Soraya D'Apuzzo
Original - Not For Sale
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7000.000 x 5000.000 pixels
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The Civil Pride
Soraya D'Apuzzo
Photograph - Photography
The work "The Civil Pride" represents the current milestone reached on the equality of civil rights. Representative symbolism highlights the differences between the archaic mentality that hinders the respect and pride of human civil rights. The bed of vintage cans faded by time, positioned on a green lawn, depict the homologation of ignorance, discrimination and false moralisms. They obstruct the formation and growth of educational civilians. The re-emerging flower expresses modernity which, after gray and dark centuries of struggle, recovers its multicolored freedom.
This Artwork is an Original Fine Art Photography and is protected by Copyright. All Rights Reserved.
©Soraya D'Apuzzo
**On this Artwork various types of Licenses are offered, for all commercial needs.
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April 27th, 2021
Comments (65)

Sharon W
What a powerful and very beautiful message! Extremely important, very creative and so well done!
Soraya D'Apuzzo replied:
Really thanks so much, Sharon. I'm very honored and happy that you have appreciated it!

Nicklas Gustafsson
Very beautiful work!
Soraya D'Apuzzo replied:
Really thanks so much, Nicklas. I'm honored and happy that you have appreciated it!

Stuart Litoff
Beautiful work!
Soraya D'Apuzzo replied:
Really thanks so much, Stuart. I'm very honored and happy that you have appreciated it!

Greta Foose
Love the symbolism of this amazing artwork.
Soraya D'Apuzzo replied:
Really thanks so much, Greta. I'm very honored and happy with Your appreciation!

Shoal Hollingsworth
This is really amazing, I love. it
Soraya D'Apuzzo replied:
Very thanks, Shoal. I'm really happy and honored that you have appreciated it!