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The Water Bird Little Egret - Ardeidi Family Photograph by Soraya DApuzzo

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Comments (30)

Barbie Corbett-Newmin

Barbie Corbett-Newmin

Such a wonderful and unique egret portrait!lf

Soraya D'Apuzzo replied:

Really thanks so much, Barbie. I'm very honored and happy that you have appreciated it!

Andrew Wilson

Andrew Wilson

Wonderful capture!

Soraya D'Apuzzo replied:

Many thanks, Andrew. I'm honored and happy that you have appreciated it!

Eckart Mayer Photography

Eckart Mayer Photography

Great shot !

Soraya D'Apuzzo replied:

Very thanks, Eckart. I'm happy for your appreciation!

Christiane Schulze Art And Photography

Christiane Schulze Art And Photography

Beautiful egret image.

Soraya D'Apuzzo replied:

Really thanks, Christiane. I'm very honored and happy with Your appreciation!

Katia Witkowski

Katia Witkowski

Amazing image, Soraya! L/F

Soraya D'Apuzzo replied:

Really thanks so much, Katia. I'm very happy with Your appreciation!

Jean OKeeffe Macro Abundance Art

Jean OKeeffe Macro Abundance Art

Wonderful work Soraya, well done!

Soraya D'Apuzzo replied:

Thanks so much, Jean. I'm very honored and happy with Your appreciation!

Shoal Hollingsworth

Shoal Hollingsworth

WOW, this is an amazing wildlife image

Soraya D'Apuzzo replied:

Really thanks so much, Shoal. I'm very honored and happy that you have appreciated it!

Toni Abdnour

Toni Abdnour

Beautiful capture, Soraya!

Soraya D'Apuzzo replied:

Really thanks, Toni. I'm very honored and happy that you have appreciated it!

Frank Barnitz

Frank Barnitz

good Little Egret portrait in its environment.

Soraya D'Apuzzo replied:

Thanks so much, Frank. I'm very happy that you have appreciated it.

Donna Kennedy

Donna Kennedy

Excellent detail and composition Soraya!...F/L

Soraya D'Apuzzo replied:

Thanks so much, Donna. I'm very happy that you have appreciated it!

Nick Boren

Nick Boren

A fantastic Egret shot Soraya. Nicely composed and exposed!

Soraya D'Apuzzo replied:

Really thanks, Nick. Yes, the Egret is a bizarre and attractive creature



Wow...very nice!

Soraya D'Apuzzo replied:

Million thanks, DORU

Constance Lowery

Constance Lowery

very nice photography. L

Soraya D'Apuzzo replied:

Million thanks, Costanza

Bunny Clarke

Bunny Clarke

A gorgeous capture and composition.

Soraya D'Apuzzo replied:

Million thanks, Bunny

Norma Brandsberg

Norma Brandsberg

Love the ruffled feathers in the wind!

Soraya D'Apuzzo replied:

Many thanks, Norma

Rudy Umans

Rudy Umans


Soraya D'Apuzzo replied:

Really thanks, Rudy

Renata Natale

Renata Natale

Great shot!

Soraya D'Apuzzo replied:

Many thanks, Renata

Wayne Moran

Wayne Moran

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawwwwwwww so darn cute.

Soraya D'Apuzzo replied:

Million thanks, Wayne

Peggy Collins

Peggy Collins

Well captured!

Soraya D'Apuzzo replied:

Many thanks, Peggy

M G Whittingham

M G Whittingham


Soraya D'Apuzzo replied:

Many thanks, M G!

Az Jackson

Az Jackson

Fantastic image!

Soraya D'Apuzzo replied:

Million thanks, Az!

Robert Tubesing

Robert Tubesing

A terrific image.

Soraya D'Apuzzo replied:

Million thanks, Robert!

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The Water Bird Little Egret - Ardeidi Family by Soraya D'Apuzzo
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